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May 2, 2007
Depression: bad for your heart in more ways than one…
A recent study published in the February issue of Archives of General Psychiatry did not support an increased risk of heart attack, or accelerated atherosclerosis with the high self-reported measures of hostility or anger the classic “Type A” personality temperament. However they did find a link between atherosclerosis or thickening of the carotid arteries and the “vegetative” symptoms depression. Other studies have examined post cardiac bypass graft failure and depression. Could the key be increased expression of inflammatory markers with negative mood states? Researchers found that patients with depression at baseline had a 40% increased risk of having substantial atherosclerosis progression in their saphenous vein grafts. The study which controlled for confounders such as body mass index, blood pressure, gender, race and physical activity was performed at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston.
Insight Psychiatry
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Huntersville, NC 28078
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