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July 18, 2008
The Healthcare dollar: getting what you paid for?
In today’s system about 30 cents of every healthcare dollar goes to administration. This is the highest rate for any country examined. The current healthcare system is defended by those who say we need “fiscally responsible” means of care delivery, but it is the system itself that is responsible for most of the excess costs. The system stays in place because it is also the source of profits for those who have absolutely nothing to do with actually providing care, but everything to do with making money off of it. The people developing standards of care are far removed from the day to day care of patients (they are employed by the insurance regime and necessarily concerned about the bottom line). How peculiar and unfortunate that quality standards are not placed directly in the hands of physicians—in a free market economy.
Let’s review the system we currently have–what are the primary goals? Hmmm…there will always be sick people…how can we make a profit off of them? Or, I know, let’s develop a system where the interaction between doctors and their patients is overseen by mid-level managers (with no medical training) Ah, but we better make billing procedures that encourage providers to perform more (possibly unnecessary) procedures so that we can charge both patient and purchasers (businesses that share the cost of health insurance) more. We’ll take a third off the top. Ah-ha the biggest rewards will go to those at the top of the organization…see July 15th blog entry for an idea of what the spoils are.
Robin Stone, M.D.
13123 Rosedale Hill Ave.
Huntersville, NC 28078
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